Being ready for what lies ahead is part of indigenous Alaska cultures – think about preparing for the next season.
Here, ARISE and our partners are sharing information and resources to support families in the year before kindergarten. There aren’t many ways to track how “good to go” kids are when they reach kindergarten, so we rely on the Alaska Developmental Profile (ADP), a State of Alaska assessment. The ADP is intended to be done by teachers observing their students over the first several weeks of school. They use a classroom recording form and many teachers in the Anchorage School District received updated training on its use starting in fall 2016.
The ADP is organized into learning domains that match the Alaska Early Learning Guidelines, and then has goals under each of those domains. Each month, ARISE kindergarten preparedness strategic action team (SAT) members are highlighting one of those goals.
Facebook posts on these topics are HERE. You can also search for #ARISEKPrep!
Strength and coordination of large motor muscles
Domain: Physical well-being, health and motor development
Regulates their feelings and impulses
Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Uses receptive language skills
Domain: Communication, language and literacy
Shows curiosity and interest in learning new things and having new experiences
Domain: Approaches to Learning
Sustains attention to task and persists when facing challenges
Domain: Approaches to Learning
Uses expressive language skills
Domain: Communication, language and literacy
Strength and coordination of small motor muscles
Domain: Physical well-being, health and motor development
Demonstrates phonological awareness
Domain: Communication, language and literacy
Sorts, classifies, and organizes objects
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Demonstrates print concepts, letters and symbols
Domain: Communication, language and literacy
Demonstrates knowledge of numbers and counting
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Participates positively in group activities
Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Funded in part by The CIRI Foundation
An initiative of the ARISE kindergarten preparedness strategic action team (SAT). Members: Anchorage Public Library, Anchorage School District, ARISE, ARISE Parents, Best Beginnings, CITC/Child & Family Services Division, CITC/Early Head Start, RurAL CAP/Parents As Teachers (PAT), Southcentral Foundation, thread